It's hard to believe another school year is upon us. I mean literally upon us. I was an eager little girl, and when the school supplies christened the shelves I was ready. I can remember walking down the aisles of K-mart, well before the start of school, smell of popcorn wafting through the air, K-Mart cherry Icee in hand, searching for the perfect Trapper Keeper, pencils, notebooks, and pens. Not just any pens, but the fancy glitter gel pens. Ahhh...good times. Though I loved preparing for back to school, it can be extremely overwhelming trying to make everything special, so I've started some simply splendid easy traditions to make our back to school moments one of the most nostalgic times for our little ones and for us. Back to School Dinner Make a meal or make a dinner reservation. At the end of that first day of school, we sit down to a meal and reminisce about the day. Some questions we like to ask are what was the best part of ...