Avocado Frigidaire Light Fairy

I was just a little girl with a vivid imagination who stood alongside the avocado Frigidaire. Quickly I would pull open the refrigerator door, and a cool gust of air would kiss my cheeks.  My eyes searched every inch of the appliance.  I searched behind the Vlasic pickles and sour cream on the top shelf.  I rummaged through the grapes, cherry tomatoes, and cucumbers in the fruit and veggie drawer.  I looked underneath the Oscar Meyer bologna.  My eyes careful scoured the  shelves along the door.  Nothing, there was absolutely nothing!  I wasn't fast enough, I would think to myself.  Slowly I would close the door peeking my head in as long as I could until the last sliver of light from the refrigerator vanished from my face.  Darkness once again.  This time I'll take them by surprise, and the cycle would begin again.

What could a five-year-old little girl be in search of you ask?  Well, the Refrigerator Light Fairy of course courtesy of my brother.  My brother, Anthony, is three years my senior, and he convinced me there were little people in my refrigerator that turned the light on and off.  Yes, I was gullible enough to believe him, but in my defense I was only five!  I stood at the refrigerator repeating the process again and again until my mom gave me a good tongue lashing about saving electricity.  I never did see the Light Fairy that occupied my imagination.  Though, it was one of many experiences where I developed a love of all things faerie.  Every fall the Florence Griswold Museum creates a Wee Faerie Village for visitors to enjoy.  As I stroll through the village I am once again the little girl in search of the Light Fairy.

Since I never did capture my Light Fairy I had a simply splendid idea to create some of my own.  I used silk flowers, Sculpey clay, wooden clothes pins, beads, string, glue, paint, and glitter.  I think they turned out pretty good for my first time, but I will continue to work on them.  

Please comment below if you have any questions about the products I used or for some additional directions.  Thanks for reading and don't be afraid to dream, create, and inspire.
Happy crafting,


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